Social Media: Managing Negative Comments

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with clients and prospective customers and promote their brand. However, as with any public platform, negative comments and criticism can sometimes arise. How you respond to these negative comments can make a significant impact on how your brand is perceived.

Here are some tips for responding to negative comments on social media:

  • Stay calm and professional. It's natural to feel defensive when faced with negative comments about you or your brand, but it's essential to remain calm and professional in your response. Rather, focus on addressing the concerns or complaints of the commenter. 
  • Respond in a timely manner. Social media moves quickly, and it's important to respond to comments in a timely manner. Responding promptly shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to addressing their concerns.
  • Acknowledge the issue. Whether the comment is valid or not, it's crucial to acknowledge the issue raised by the commenter. Ignoring or dismissing negative comments can make your brand appear uncaring and unresponsive. 
  • Know when to end the conversation. Unfortunately, “internet trolls” exist, and comments on your social media platforms may be intentionally forceful or negative to get a rise out of you and your followers. Sometimes the best solution is to close the conversation by either shutting down comments, deleting the post or the impolite comments. This can be a tricky decision, so make sure you think it through before taking action.
  • Offer a solution or resolution. After acknowledging the issue, provide a solution or resolution to the commenter. If the issue cannot be immediately resolved, let the commenter know that you're working to resolve it and provide an estimated timeline for when a resolution can be expected. While your goal is to make sure the client is happy, there will be times when you are just unable to satisfy their want. However, responding shows other clients and prospects that you are caring and doing your best to assist the person. 
  • Take the conversation offline. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to take the conversation offline. Provide contact information or ask the commenter to direct message you to address their concerns privately. This allows you to handle the issue more effectively without airing it publicly.
  • Thank the commenter. Regardless of the nature of the comment, always thank the commenter for bringing the issue to your attention. This shows that you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent customer service. 
  • Learn from the feedback. Negative comments can be an opportunity to learn and improve your business. While it is human nature to feel defensive about negative comments about you, your business or team, try to look beyond and use the feedback to identify possible changes and areas for improvement and make necessary changes. Sometimes we may not see the gaps until someone else points them out.
  • Ask for help. Sometimes we are uncertain of how to respond when there are negative comments being said to us. It can be a bit unnerving, can make you feel defensive or outright angry. However, your response is not just to the negative commenter, but is seen by your clients, friends and family members. Feel free to reach out to our team and we can help you navigate any situation.

Social media can offer wonderful opportunities to grow brand awareness and expand your reach in the public eye. However, it is not without challenges. Negative comments and feedback happens, whether warranted or not. As real estate is a client and customer facing industry, it is important to learn how to best navigate through these comments. By acknowledging the comment, providing a solution, and thanking the commenter for their feedback, you can turn negative comments into positive opportunities for growth and improvement.

If you are looking for support with you social media presence, our team is here to help. From completing a social media audit, to creating a comprehensive social media strategy, our team can work with you to determine the best way to leverage social media to help grow your business. Reach out to us today to discuss your company needs.