Women Unite: Inside the Vision of REAL MG

REAL MG embodies a feeling, an emotion, an energy. It's the embodiment of belonging, inclusion, and diversity—a celebration of the spirit of community and togetherness within an industry that, at times, can feel isolating and competitive.

At its core, REAL it is a sisterhood— it provides an opportunity for women in the real estate industry to connect, share their challenges, and celebrate successes in an open and secure environment. It is a judgment-free zone where we can all be honest, receive genuine support, and allow for encouragement and mentoring. There's a special magic when women come together, sharing their genuine intentions and REAL experiences.

Reflecting on my over two-decade tenure with a major global real estate brand, I grew weary of seeing a lack of diverse representation, often showcasing predominantly men at conferences and meetings. I noticed that many remarkable women remained behind the scenes, feeling too reserved or perhaps nervous to step forward and share their invaluable experiences. The reason I often heard was, "Nobody wants to hear what I have to say." This saddened me because their voices mattered immensely, and there existed a vast audience eager to relate to and be inspired by their stories.

Rather than dwell on these observations, I chose to take proactive steps for change. Inspired by one of our REAL MG Founding Members, Kathleen Black’s advice—to create one's own stage and opportunities—I initiated action, forging ahead with my own platform and extending an invitation to others to join me.

REAL MG operates as a membership-based initiative, welcoming all women in the real estate sector, irrespective of brand or specialization, to be part of this evolving movement. It's time for each of us to have a voice in shaping the changes we desire within the real estate industry.

Our events and discussions are purposefully curated for networking, understanding that simply being sociable isn't enough when aiming for a seat at the table where our ideas can be heard. Embracing networking the REAL way enables women to identify role models, find mentors and sponsors, and expand both their professional and personal spheres. As women ascend in this industry, there's a commitment to pay it forward by aiding those following in their footsteps.

Our network is not about “what can you do for me” -- it’s about creating relationships and genuine connections that are mutually interesting and beneficial for all parties.

Through our events, we create shared spaces fostering profound connections, sometimes leading to lifelong friendships. I wholeheartedly believe in the magic that unfolds when people come together in person. Each interaction becomes a learning opportunity, offering diverse perspectives on previously daunting situations.

My genuine passion lies in connecting like-minded women, championing their stories, and advocating for their success.

Creating and hosting women-only events provides a platform for authentic expression, where genuine support and inspiration thrive without the strain of competition. Confidence blossoms in the company of relatable peers, fostering a real sense of community and belonging.

What has continued to propel me forward is hearing the incredible stories of triumph over challenges and the lessons learned from successful entrepreneurs—truly motivating. Witnessing our members and guests collaborate post-events brings immense joy. We are truly better together.

This is why REAL MG exists—an international community of women dedicated to supporting, mentoring, and challenging ourselves to lead lives we cherish, on our own terms. Always, the goal is to stay authentically REAL!

If you are interested in becoming a member, head over to the REAL MG website for more information!