Personalized Notes: Yay or nay?

Yes, technology is here to stay. But, the truth is people still crave interaction that is beyond just digital. In a business like real estate, it is important to also find ways to establish meaningful connections with clients. While technology has revolutionized the industry, the human touch remains invaluable. Of course, in-person is always a great way to interact with your sphere, but have you considered sending a personalized card or note?

Often overlooked, print media can actually be a highly effective tool through crafting custom written notes to clients. In an era dominated by digital communication, the personal touch of a handwritten note holds immense power, fostering trust, loyalty, and long-lasting connections. And, with the holiday season around the corner, it is potentially one of the best times of year to send out that personalized card or hand written note to let your clients, colleagues and sphere of influence know that you are thinking about them!

In a business based on relationships and trust, there is a lot to be said about receiving a hand-written note. More often than not, people tend to be more willing to reply and reach out to say “thanks” for a personalized or hand-written note. Whether it's a simple thank you note after a successful transaction or a thoughtful follow-up message after a viewing, these personalized gestures go a long way in establishing a lasting connection. By taking the time to handwrite a note, agents show clients that they are more than just a transaction; they genuinely care about their well-being and satisfaction.

With the focus predominantly on digital marketing and presence, receiving a handwritten note can be a refreshing change of pace for clients. While emails and text messages have their place, they can lack the personal touch that comes with a handwritten note. The effort and thoughtfulness put into crafting a customized message demonstrate to clients that they are a priority. 

A handwritten note holds a unique value compared to its digital counterparts. It becomes a tangible memento that clients can keep, reminding them of the positive experiences they had with their real estate agent. These notes have the potential to evoke positive emotions and memories associated with the home-buying or selling process, reinforcing the bond between the agent and client. Furthermore, in an era where digital communication can be easily deleted or forgotten, a physical note serves as a lasting reminder and are often hung or kept as a keepsake. (This should also be kept in mind when selecting what to send your clients.)

The real estate industry thrives on referrals and repeat business. By incorporating custom written notes into their client communication strategy, real estate agents enhance the likelihood of repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. When clients feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to become loyal advocates who actively promote their agent's services to friends, family, and colleagues. A personalized note can be the catalyst that transforms a satisfied client into a lifelong advocate.

Here are some quick tips for effective custom written notes:

  1. Craft personalize content: Mention specific details from your interactions with the client to demonstrate your attentiveness and show that you value their individual needs. You can leverage templates that can be customized to each of your clients for a personalized approach for each of your clients. 

  1. Keep it short and concise: While the personal touch is vital, keep your note concise and to the point. Focus on conveying gratitude, offering support, or sharing pertinent information.

  1. Timeliness matters: Send the note as soon as possible after a significant milestone or interaction to maximize its impact. If you are sending out a note for the holidays, make sure you send it before mid-December, or it could get lost in the mix.

As the holidays are approaching, it is timely to think about sending your clients, colleagues and sphere of influence a written note or card. By investing time and effort into this simple yet powerful practice, agents can build trust, loyalty, and lasting relationships with their clients.

If you are looking for support with your print or digital marketing, feel free to reach out and set up a discovery call with us. We are happy to connect with you and see if we can help!