Building Connections: Attending Industry Events

Attending a conference or workshop presents a unique opportunity for real estate industry professionals to expand their network, forge meaningful connections, and potentially grow their referral network. However, a successful conference experience goes beyond just attending sessions and collecting business cards. Networking doesn’t stop at the conference, but in fact is only the beginning of developing and forging longer lasting relationships. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a conference, as well as developing a plan to maintain connections once the conference is over.

Networking at an event can be made easier through some early pre-conference preparation. While most may only consider this to include selecting what to wear at the event, the truth is that making the time to plan ahead can actually offer some benefits. Before the conference, take the time to set clear goals and objectives. You decided to attend that particular event or conference for a reason, so think about the why to help you formulate your goals. Determine what you hope to achieve - whether it's connecting with learning from industry experts, finding out about the latest technology or exploring partnership opportunities. Review the conference agenda and list of speakers to tailor your experience to your goals. If the conference hosts provide you with a list of attendees, take a look at the list in advance and potentially select a few individuals you would like to connect with. Some event planners will event provide you early access via an app. Set up meeting times with people of interest so that you can plan to connect with the right people.

Come prepared to introduce yourself and have something to talk about. Small talk can be tough, especially when meeting new people for the first time. Come prepared by having a short list of topics you have researched in advance of the conference. If you are a real estate vendor or support person, be prepared to share your value proposition and how your company or business might be able to offer support.  And, it is important to come prepared with updated business cards, brochures, or other materials that effectively represent you, your brand and its offerings.

Approach networking at the event or conference with a strategic mindset. Prioritize quality over quantity by aiming for meaningful conversations rather than trying to meet as many people as possible. Identify key individuals you want to connect with and if possible, research their backgrounds to facilitate more engaging interactions.

When interacting with others, focus on building genuine relationships. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to others' stories and experiences. Share your insights and expertise, while looking for opportunities to provide value. Authentic conversations are more likely to leave a lasting impression and can lead to stronger relationships.

Social media is woven into our in-person experiences and attending a conference provides you a great opportunity to leverage it before, during, and after the conference. Announce your attendance beforehand, connect with fellow attendees, and share insights or highlights from the event. Live-tweeting sessions or posting photos can help you engage with a broader audience and attract potential connections. Take photos with people you meet and tag them to help expand reach for both of you!

Attend workshops and breakout sessions. So often attendees do not attend the sessions being organized to perhaps check their email or social media. However, event planners have taken a lot of time to curate great content and speakers for you. Make sure that you participate in workshops and breakout sessions that align with your interests and goals. These smaller, more focused settings provide ample opportunities for discussions and interactions. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and offer your perspective to demonstrate your expertise.

After the conference concludes, don't let the connections fade away. Follow up with the individuals you met, expressing your gratitude for the conversation and reiterating the value you can offer. One of the best platforms to do this on is LinkedIn, which is the largest social professional platform of it’s kind. You can add them to your network and continue to nurture relationships. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok, and engage with their posts. 

After the conference, take some time to reflect on your experience. Evaluate what worked well and what could be improved for future events. Use this feedback to refine your networking approach and enhance your conference strategy.

Attending a conference offers more than just a chance to learn and connect—it's an opportunity to strategically grow your network. By preparing effectively, engaging in meaningful interactions, and nurturing relationships beyond the event, you can leverage your conference experience to expand your professional reach and achieve your business goals. Remember, building a network takes time and effort, but the connections you make can have a lasting impact on your career and business success.